About Me

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I'm a 19 year old "Getty Images Young Photographer of the Year 2008" / photography student and this is a blog about my work and life in Manchester.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Changing Horses

Oh maaaan I just downloaded the new ben kweller album! It's leaked thank god. I'm going to see him in 8 days at the Ruby Lounge in Manchester. I adore him sooo, its been 2 years since i last seen him last, i got his setlist and everything :)

It was such a good gig and im so excited for next thursdays!

Curry and photoshoot time tonight! Should be good. Not looking forward to the long walk from my flat though, i sprained my left ankle randomly on sunday night and bruised my knee falling over drunk on friday night, not good.

Look at these amazing earrings!

£1.50 from Primark. Comes with a lovely cream pair too. Mint!

This is currently my favourite perfume:

You'll never guess the brand....Chanelle :| from Big Brother. Classy! My dad bought it for me when I moved into uni, how cute is the bottle :)

As you can tell, those are webcam pictures. Camera is packed away ready for the later on.

Ta-ta for now.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

First Post

Helloooo! I've decided to cave in and get a proper blog. I've been on livejournal for 3/4 years but i want to venture elsewhere and actually get my life written down! Its mainly going to be used for documenting my photography, purchases, uni life etc. so i hope you enjoy.

I'm a photography student at manchester metropolitan university, 1st year. I'm enjoying it even though the projects have been a bit boring. I took some photos with various disposable cameras last week, but as they were a £1 (poundland, oh yes) they have come out pretty awful.
A few which have actually developed:

They're going to be used for one third of my "Journey Project", going in a book of some sort. Just wanted to experiment a bit!

Ive had a bit of a rollercoaster these past few months. I lost my grandad which was devastating and then I split up with my boyfriend about a month ago, but we're back together now after some much needed time apart. I am so happy at the moment though. A year before my grandad died he gave me a praktica camera which i'm going to learn how to use, he'd be so pleased :)

I've gone a bit spending mad these past couple of days. I got a small overdraft on my account which is brilliant. I also got a job at Manchester United waiting on in the boxes on matchdays. Apparently i've got a very VIP suite which i'm pretty worried about! Anyhoo, on with the purchases:

a coat i got about 2 weeks ago, i love it and cant stop wearing it, the fur collar ♥

My new gorgeous shoes which were £6 - i love you primark! I also got them in black. So so nice and comfy. Total bargains!

My new pink bag which was £4. Lovely shade of pink!

I also got a lovely sequin bolero for 99p from ebay which i love too:

Drunken photo on emilys phone! We went to Joshua Brooks last night for a clubnight called Up The Racket - always get very very drunk and dance to good music :)

Going for a meal with Edward tomorrow to Rusholme for a curry, can't wait! Doing a shoot aswell for a project. This week is such a good week....
Thats all for now! x